
Kalil is aThe image was taken right at the top of the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought me back into my family home from school for months on end. I spent every day with him; running together, eating together, reading together, learning together, existing together. It reminded me of times when he was younger, only being able to do so much as a stumbling toddler. At this point I had seen life and evolution with my own eyes. I became a witness to his bloom. This scared me, but also soothed me. He was learning and growing just as I had when I was his age, but I also knew that this marked a point to where I couldn’t protect him from everything. Eventually, I found peace with that. As expected we on occassion had our brotherly conflicts, but I never let it come over me. He’s taught me a lot, and he’s one of my favorite people in the world. A dreamer he is, and a kind one at that.

Get more of a glimpse here.