
Chance Leon Allen (b. 2000 Orlando, FL) is a Los Angeles based photographer, writer, and creative director. He obtained his BA in Journalism and Media Studies at Mercer University in May 2022. With his work, he seeks to educate and inform the masses on the intricacies of his two main identities: his queerness and his blackness.

In 2020, Chance had a portrait exhibited in DASH x NewTown Macon’s Bright City exbition. Entitled Sanctuary, the portrait dives into the meaning of spaces that he calls home, one which being the people and location within the photo.

In 2021, Chance became a photography intern for the NBC Entertainment west coast photography team, supporting them through image sorting, selection, and processing. Following his intern position, he became a West Coast Page for NBCUniversal, ultimately allowing him to relocate from Atlanta to Los Angeles where he now currently resides.

Selected publications include DASHBOARD, The Macon Telegraph, The Mercer Cluster, and The Macon Newsroom.

- Sanctuary, DASH x NewTown Macon’s Bright City, Macon Georgia, June 2020 - August 2021

Honors and Awards
- T. Howard Foundation Final Talent Pool, 2021
- Mercer University Deans List, Spring 2021
- Mercer University Student of the Year, 2021/2022